How to List Remote Work on Your Resume

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In addition to your phone number and email address, make sure your resume displays your LinkedIn account and any other professional online profiles you maintain. It is important to show that you are well-versed in social networking and online communication. A custom personal website can be an important asset here, as it demonstrates that you are tech-savvy and are able to build a robust online presence. But if you are planning to find a remote job, you should make some changes to your resume, according to Brie Reynolds, career development manager at recruiting site FlexJobs.

Organization is important, but being able to prioritize your tasks is even more vital as a remote worker. Knowing which projects are the most important, and which things to work on first, is really important when you’re doing more solo work. While not as important as your remote resume, they how to list remote work on resume can definitely help you stand out from other applicants and more than half of employers prefer candidates who submit a cover letter. Mentioning such projects in your remote resume shows that you’re a self-starter and a type of person that can be productive without being in the office.

Include Remote Work Experience in Your Professional Summary

Learning tech skills makes you more qualified for more of those job openings, though there are some that you can get with only basic tech skills. Considering you’ll be working from home, it will be up to you to wake up and start working at the right time on a daily basis. This means that reliability and a strong work ethic are all the more important as soft skills for this remote position than if you’d be working from an office. The first section recruiters will really notice on your remote job resume is your resume summary.

  • Directly seeing a list of other companies that have trusted you to telecommute builds a hiring manager’s confidence.
  • Currently, 88% of companies encourage or require employees to work from home.
  • This means both tailoring it to suit the specifics of the role itself—if it is a customer support job, emphasize your customer support experience, and so on—and to the fact that it is a remote role.
  • Also, use other eye-catching keywords to showcase why you are the perfect candidate – “problem-solver,” “natural leader,” “excellent time-management,” and more.

Work-from-home jobs require candidates to have strong communication skills, the ability to work independently and avoid distractions, organizational skills, and computer skills, for example. As with any resume, you should begin your resume content with a brief summary section. Your professional summary cannot be generic, however; you must tailor your resume summary to the position you are applying for. This means both tailoring it to suit the specifics of the role itself—if it is a customer support job, emphasize your customer support experience, and so on—and to the fact that it is a remote role. If you are on the hunt for a remote job, you will need the right resume.

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For example, if you are an excellent communicator, showcase your skill and stay connected through video and phone calls, or email, as these are the most popular ways of remote communication. One of the best ways to self-motivate if it doesn’t come naturally is to gamify your workday. Gamification basically breaks down to rewarding yourself for checking things off your to-do list and establishing good habits. Then, use this information in your cover letter to communicate why you’re passionate about working at the company.

  • And remember – if you have experience using some specific remote programs and tools (e.g. Slack, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Hubstaff, etc.), you should definitely list their names under your hard skills.
  • For example, if you want to highlight your collaboration skills, talk about your experience with shared documents or online project management tools.
  • As with any other job role, it is imperative to list your relevant experience, accomplishments, and skills.
  • Some important skills required for remote work include being a self-starter who is accountable, disciplined, and an organized problem-solver.
  • Increased sales by 15% during Q while working remotely and maintaining consistent communication with dispersed team members in different time zones.
  • In this case, you list responsibilities and accomplishments as usual and mention that some of projects or assignments were done remotely.

Think about your interactions with them and mine those for examples of your remote skills. Being a self-starter, an excellent communicator, or an outstanding manager of time are all great qualities to present for an array of jobs. But when the work is being performed remotely, displaying your prowess in certain areas can make all the difference. “Previous Employment” entries on a resume typically include the employer’s location as part of the standard information. However, you can slightly shift the setup to make it known that you performed the work remotely.

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